Karina Miotto
What can mental health, purposeful work, climate crisis, spirituality, synchronicities, and ancestral cultures have to do with each other?
In this book, Karina Miotto, an environmental journalist and specialist in Deep Ecology, refers how all these themes, apparently diverse, are interconnected in such a way that, even without realizing it, we feel impelled to reflect on our role in the world and the possibility of becoming an agent of transformation.
Through the account of her professional journey and somewhat unusual and very entertaining stories, Karina shows us that we can all contribute to solutions to socio-environmental crises, each in their own way.
Karina Miotto is an inspiring mentor of change agents and a renowned environmental journalist.
With a trajectory marked by her experience in the Amazon, she has collaborated with organizations such as Greenpeace and Amazon Watch, in addition to having worked as editor, leading a team of journalists in the nine countries of the Amazon Basin.
In Pará, she was responsible for organizing TEDx events, expanding the impact of transformative ideas in the region.
As expert in Deep Ecology, Karina deepened her knowledge in connection with nature by learning directly from masters such as Joanna Macy and Satish Kumar.
She holds a Master’s Degree in Holistic Science from Schumacher College, a world-renowned institution.
His lectures have been held in countries such as England, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Chile and Brazil, inspiring hundreds of people to reconnect with nature and promote significant change in their communities.